LightWord for Wordpress Home of LightWord Theme

Recommended Plugins

Here is my list of recommended plugins for LightWord Theme and Wordpress:

Simple Tags

Simple Tags adds more functionallity for tagging. You can get Simple Tags here

Yoast Breadcrumbs

Breadcrumbs help your visitors to navigate on your webpage about tarjeta de credito. To my mind, the yoast breadcrumbs plugin does a pretty good job.


When you write interesting content on your website you probable want it to be read. Sociable let your readers submit your post to a various number of social bookmarks.

Comments (3) Trackbacks (0)

  1. I prefer Bookmarks Plugin instead of Sociable

  2. breadcrumlbs is a good one. adopted. maybe you could integrate it directly into your template

  3. I keep getting an error with a header using Sociable with Lightword. Lightword kicks enough tail to keep using it without Sociable but I’d really like to see the two work together. Anybody else have this issue?

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